Geotechnical Engineering Testing, Inc. (GET) is a privately held civil engineering firm that specializes in geotechnical engineering, construction materials testing, and infrastructure/pavement management. The company was incorporated in 1974 as an Alabama corporation providing quality engineering and testing services to government entities, industry, developers, and architectural/civil engineering firms. Projects range from small commercial buildings or local roads to very large industrial projects, airports, port facilities, educational institutions, high-rise structures, bridges and interstate highways across the southeast. The GET team is experienced with designing complex foundation engineering systems, testing construction materials, and providing geotechnical engineering support services during construction. GET is a full service geotechnical and construction materials testing firm that operates its own drill rigs and maintains an AASHTO accredited laboratory for testing soils, concrete, asphalt and aggregate materials. Geotechnical engineering evaluations are performed by its staff of geotechnical engineers. All associated construction materials testing/Special Inspection services are performed by certified technicians working under the supervision of the firm’s engineering staff. GET’s core values of teamwork, quality, and honesty underscore our commitment to our clients and provides guidance for everything we do.