GET provided soils explorations and geotechnical engineering studies for the construction of the interstate interchange at I-10 and CR-68 (Baldwin Beach Express) for the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT). The interchange improvements included the construction of a new interchange at I-10 and CR-68 with approximately 12,000 feet of ramp lanes and an approximately 8600 foot long connector road extending to CR-83. In addition to the ramps and CR-83 connector, an approximately 1000 foot long service road (Barnhill Drive) was constructed. The new roadway and ramps have embankment fill up to 25 feet in height and cut up to 25 feet in depth.
The project included performing 139 borings for a total of about 2700 linear feet of soil borings. Areas of unsuitable soils and muck were identified by GET personnel for remediation. The project required performing 350 soil classification tests, triaxial shear tests and consolidation tests to evaluate soil conditions Soils survey, materials and slope study evaluations were performed and reports provided to the ALDOT.
Baldwin County, Alabama