GET provided soils explorations and geotechnical engineering studies for the Saltaire Property – Living Shoreline project located north of the mouth of Fowl River on Mobile Bay. The project extends from approximately Goat Island northward about 5,000 feet. The project was designed to protect and restore the shoreline. The project included the construction of an approximate 5,000 foot long breakwater system constructed between 500 feet and 1,000 feet from the existing shoreline. The project generally consists of the reconstruction of shoreline by transporting and placing restoration fill sediment and protecting the shoreline by the installation of a series of wave attenuation structures to construct the breakwaters.
The geotechnical study for the project included performing soils explorations at various locations within the proposed areas of fill placement and the proposed breakwater to evaluate the strength and materials of the insitu soil conditions. Laboratory testing was performed on the soils collected from the area of the proposed breakwater to provide grain size data and soil strength information for the design of the wave attenuator devices utilized in constructing the breakwater. Engineering evaluations included performing settlement analysis and bearing capacity analysis for the various types and sizes of breakwater device designs being evaluated by the project design team
Mobile County, Alabama