Field Explorations
GET provides numerous field exploration options to evaluate subsurface geologic conditions. These field explorations are performed by engineers, geologists, engineering technicians, and core boring specialists qualified through education, training, and experience. GET’s experienced staff has utilized numerous sampling techniques to perform site investigations.
GET is adequately equipped and operates its own fleet of equipment to provide the services listed above. Soil borings may be performed with one of four core boring rigs, depending on the site conditions and borehole requirements. The rigs include truck mounted, all-terrain track mounted, trailer mounted, barge mounted and hand carried, tripod mounted equipment. GET’s drill equipment has also been mounted on swamp buggies, rolling carts or a tractor to access locations ranging from building interiors to marsh areas. Rotary wash, solid stem auger, and hollow stem auger methods are typically used to advance the boreholes.
Having its own fleet of drill equipment and personnel provides GET the ability to better manage projects to meet the client’s needs and schedules.
Listed below are some of the services we can provide:
- Standard Penetration Test (SPT) Soil borings
- Rock coring
- In-situ vane shear testing
- Piston sampling
- Pitcher sampling
- Sediment sampling with Van Veen sampler
- Static cone penetration tests
- Geophysical surveying (resistivity)
- Instrumentation installation
- Vibracore sampling
- Test pit observations
- Monitor well installation
- Piezometer installation
- Pumping well installation and pumping tests
- Well sampling and abandonment