GET provided soils explorations and geotechnical engineering studies for the design of the Welcome Center on SR-4 (future I-22) near the Mississippi state line in Marion County, Alabama. The welcome center project will include an approximate 24,000 square foot 1-story building, three roadway alignments, parking areas for autos and trucks, a service road that will provide access to CR-13 on the east side of the property, and a proposed on-site sewage treatment area. The project required approximately 75 soil borings ranging from about 10 to 70 feet deep that were performed within the proposed building area, roadways and parking areas, and the proposed on-site sewage treatment area. The varying terrain will require cuts on the order of 12 to 30 feet to achieve desired finish grades and, subsequently, slope stability analyses were performed on the cut areas. GET provided foundation recommendations for the building, pavement recommendations for the roadway and parking areas, soils classifications and permeability recommendations for the on-site sewage treatment area, and groundwater remediation methods, where applicable on-site.
Marion County, Alabama